Super Hasel Puncher 42 started life from a silly meme and is certainly not particularly more intelligent.

It is a nod to the "super turbo turkey puncher 3" and in this way, yet another clicker game. It does not have any progression nor unlockables.

"Why is such a tiny, stupid game so huge?"
Most of the file size comes from the Godot Engine. The game itself measures approx. 950kb including assets

"Why do the scores differ some times?"
You have a time window of 0.075s (~4.5 frames) to land a "perfect hit". For this you get 25 points instead of just 10. The final hit scores 15 additional points.

"What kind of assets where used?"
Most assets have been created using generative AI.
Images have been generated using OpenAI's Dall·E, with further manual retouching.
The fonts are "Kenney Blocks" and "Kenney Future Narrow", by the wonderful @kenney, licensed under Creative Commons Zero CC0.
Sound effects and voice has been generated using Text-to-Speech and Text-to-SFX.
"Music" has been created manually using LMMS.

No squirrels where harmed during this production. I have no aversion to squirrels or animals of any kind. It's a meme game for a community. Use of the "game" is at your own risk. Any liability for consequences of any kind, in particular damage to mental health, is hereby excluded.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
Made withGodot
Average sessionA few seconds
AccessibilityOne button


superhaselpuncher42.exe 81 MB
superhaselpuncher42-linux.x86_64 63 MB
Download 51 MB

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